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Website Redesign

As a web designer it's so important to totally keep on top of your game, to ensure that you showcase your very best talents because hey if your own site isn't up to scratch then why would anyone hire you? My site had been added to and added to, things added and taken away and my website slowly changed from it's original form into something that was just no longer aligned with me.⁠

So I started a journey to relook at my own branding and website. After many weeks I really did decide that I liked my logo and colours but it could do with just a little more sparkle - after all I am the glitter queen (not that you would believe it to look at me!)⁠

This journey of renewal has been hard and I mean really hard! Suddenly I was questioning who I was aiming the site at, who I was talking to and how I was talking to them. Even the services I offered.⁠

Which in actual fact was a really good thing for several reasons:-

  1. I truly felt that overwhelm that so many of my client's feel when thinking about their own website and branding and whilst I have worked with enough people and designed literally hundreds of websites because I genuinely find it really easy and can see where my client's need their help and I'm able to jump in and offer it them, for the first time I really felt that I needed to talk through my mental blocks with a third party and this led me to launch my new "Business Bestie" service - a 90 minute "Get Unstuck" call. You can read more about how I can help you get total clarity and break through your overwhelm and mental blocks as your business bestie by following the links.

  2. I was able to build out my services better in order to cover off the different areas people need help with. I still have my signature Designed in a Day service but I've added Designed in Two Days Advantage - which is a slightly bigger website along with a "what next" strategy, designed to give you the advantage when you launch your website with a clear plan of action (and some assets) on how to launch to maximum effect and keep the momentum going. I also added a Designed in a Week Complete - which is everything - copywriting, branding, assets, social media assets, strategy - absolutely everything you need to launch your business/new website.

  3. Finally after much pondering, I shelved the courses I was going to launch (for now). I know that my strengths and where my clients get most value from me is the work we do one-to-one and as good as my courses were they didn't align with me and how I know the benefit of working with me is the experience and wisdom I bring to my clients. Now I knew I wanted a low priced product and I'm so excited to be launching Fix your Wix Website which is a recorded 90 minute zoom where *I* go in and fix your Wix website whilst you are watching and I show you how to do it so you are basically getting a mini-makeover and training all rolled in to one!

  4. I've opened up payment options on all my services as I know money is a stretch for so many people and more than that I know that this is a big investment for new or small businesses and personal brands.

Want to know more about any of these new services? Get in touch - book a discovery call and let's just have a no obligation chat.

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